During the long school day, the one thing that all students should agree on is that they want a good lunch. Maybe not even a great lunch, but they want a lunch that is filling and tasty and hot. Lunch should be a time to take a minute to eat and hang with friends. It is a chance to take a break from classes in the middle of the day.
Another thing that all students complain about is the quality of our lunches. Some say they will not eat in the cafeteria, even though it is free. They wait until they get home and eat something there. However, skipping lunch during the day makes you tired, and then you are thinking about food, not schoolwork. No one can concentrate if they are hungry.
The perceived lack of quality food during lunch forces students to get as much food as they can in the morning before school (often making them late for school). Then they skip lunch and eat junk snack throughout the day to get by until they get out of here. This is not only more expensive than eating the free lunch at school, but also not very nutritious or healthy either.
Even though our lunch is available for free, which is great, it is not something that students feel is good. Many sources state that they feel like the lunch is previously frozen, and there just is not either enough food or quality food to make the trip to the cafeteria worthwhile. One source said that Clifton has lunches provided by Wendy’s and Chic-fil-e, but that cannot be confirmed, and personally I doubt it. (They do not get that in Clifton, ed.)
Perhaps there can be a free lunch for those who need that, but other options for those of us who want something better? Maybe some food brought in from outside as a fundraiser would be a great way to make kids happy, as well as earn some money for clubs?
Something else that can be fun for lunch might be to focus on foods from various cultures. There could be a theme for the month and foods that would go with that theme. It would take a lot of planning, but I think it can happen and it would be really fun.
In the end, students want to enjoy their lunch. They want to have some fun eating with their friends for a few minutes in between classes. A good lunch will make us better students in class, and just happier. Let’s work together to try and find a way to make it a better experience for all of us.