The Hilltop Star Online

The Student News Site of Passaic High School

The Hilltop Star Online

The Hilltop Star Online

NJROTC Spring Lake Training Day: A Day of Team Bonding and Leadership


On May 15th, 2024, the NJROTC held an enriching training day for all its cadets at Spring Lake. This event was designed to foster team spirit, leadership skills, and ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants.

The day was packed with various team bonding activities, providing cadets with the opportunity to develop strong camaraderie and work together towards common goals. Each cadet had the chance to step up as a team leader, allowing them to hone their leadership abilities in a supportive environment.

Safety was a top priority throughout the event, with careful planning and supervision ensuring that all activities were conducted smoothly and securely. The overarching aim was to create a fun and engaging experience for everyone involved.

The highlight of the day was a friendly competition between the four platoons. Each platoon gave their best effort, displaying remarkable teamwork and enthusiasm. In the end, Red Platoon emerged victorious, taking first place and earning well-deserved accolades for their performance.

Overall, the NJROTC Spring Lake Training Day was a resounding success, leaving cadets with cherished memories and valuable skills that will serve them well in their future endeavors.

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