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The Hilltop Star Online

The Hilltop Star Online

Passaic NJROTC Shines at Sterling High School Drone Championship


The Passaic NJROTC Drone Club showcased their skills at the Annual Drone Championship held at Sterling High School. This prestigious event, which draws schools with strong interests in STEM programs, was a highly anticipated competition.

Our talented cadets competed in various categories, demonstrating their proficiency and innovative approach to drone technology. Their hard work and dedication paid off as they secured impressive finishes, taking 2nd place in one category and 3rd place in another. These achievements highlight the exceptional abilities and teamwork of the Passaic NJROTC Drone Club.

The Annual Drone Championship at Sterling High School is a celebrated event, bringing together schools and students passionate about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It provides a platform for young innovators to test their skills, share knowledge, and inspire each other.

The success of the Passaic NJROTC cadets at this event is a testament to their commitment to excellence in STEM fields. It also reflects the high quality of training and support they receive, preparing them to excel in both academic and extracurricular pursuits.

Overall, the Passaic NJROTC Drone Club’s performance at the Sterling High School Drone Championship was a proud moment for all involved, showcasing the future leaders of technology and engineering.

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