The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms
March 30, 2023
If we took a poll, and there have been many, about whether students want to continue to wear the school uniform or not, the shocking response would be, of course not. There are many students who are against wearing school uniforms and there are some students who think that school uniforms are a good thing.
Perhaps hearing from some of the students who do not mind wearing what they are supposed to, or at least understand why the school enforces it, is past due. The main reason for the uniforms is because of school safety. When the uniforms were first proposed, the school board passed this new policy because of concerns about gangs infiltrating the school. They would wear their gang colors, so in order to prevent that students would wear from just the uniform selection. No colors would equal less gang activity. There are still gangs and they are still an issue. Therefore, the uniforms should still be a thing. Students should wear uniforms because it keeps the school safe.
Schools are here for us to learn. So, distracting everyone with inappropriate clothing either boys or girls, is not going to help. So, keeping the uniform policy means that we do not have to waste time and worry about what we are going to wear to school. It is just easier all the way around to just wear the correct uniform instead of attempting to get around a dress code.
If schools did not have uniforms some students would wake up everyday and have to worry about what to wear because they want to look nice and make a good impression and with that students can come late to school for not knowing what to wear. With school uniforms that is a weight off students’ shoulders. They do not have to worry about “looking good” or wearing the right brands, and they do not have to worry about getting detention for coming late to school.
School uniforms can also help prevent bullying because many people can get made fun of for the clothes they are wearing and even the shoes. Many students can’t afford the designer clothes and with the school uniforms the student’s won’t need to worry about them getting bullied or made fun of. For example there are kids who wear Nike, Adidas, Pink etc., knowing that’s not part of the school uniform policy.
On the other hand, many students like to argue that students shouldn’t have to wear uniforms to school because it has nothing to do with their education. Students should feel comfortable in what they are wearing. Nowadays things are expensive and times are tough. Some families cannot afford to buy uniforms constantly. However, buying a school uniform is much cheaper than buying regular clothes. They just are.
Many of you are probably saying that students are not following the uniform policy right now, so why should I care? Wearing a uniform is pointless important, so all students should take it more seriously. Students who just ignore the uniform policy are just making it harder on the rest of us. If they honestly do not to want to wear uniforms for whatever reason, then they should take action to change the policy, not just ignore it. Maybe join the student council to sponsor some dress down days, so that kids can change it up once in a while. If a good amount of students speak up on how they feel then there could possibly be a change done. After all it is our school too.